The top side views are looking significantly better. Side boob looks great. Cleavage still has a little way to go. My first Silicone injection is next week, so we’ll see what that does in terms of plumping them up. The really neat thing about having two procedures is that right now, we are slowly tailoring the size. It’s even possible that we might get to a cup that is slightly bigger than what I want, but it’s OK because these are temporary. The whole point of the first surgery is for the expanders to create space, and that’s exactly what they are doing, little by little, each day. I lovingly refer to them as my Chia pets, since they’re slowly growing. It’s kind of neat and exciting!

The first photo is a before and after shot. It’s pretty unbelievable for my own eyes to see this. The breast is actually filling out the cup, as opposed to what it did before (burrowed itself deep inside to hide). I am so, so happy with the results so far. The expanders take longer and they are an extra step but my final breasts will be bespoke. It’s pretty freaking amazing! 🙂 

before after
Significant difference in filling out the cup


The shape is beautiful
I love how full they look